Saturday, December 2, 2006

Importance of Telling Stories

Coming down, I was skeptical that people would still want to share their stories after the time that has gone by since Katrina. I thought asking people to share their stories might even be an impostion.

Having just come in from the cool weather after spending an hour on the phone with three different people it struck me just how important; necessary it is to share our stories. I'm here just a few days and I already need to tell my stories; not just to give a news report, but for emothion health, to share the presense of God in the midst of everything.

So many of the stories tell of God's relationship with the people telling the stories. Good News abounds! People want to be a witness.

I think instead of asking someone, "What is your story?" perhaps I will invite them instead by saying, "Tell me your Good News!

Tom Fehr

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