Sunday, December 10, 2006

Tonight, Jesus Served Hush-Puppies

Last night, we a well-deserved and much needed "fun day" in the French Quarters. It was a great time simply enjoying the felllowship of the group & taking a break from seeing and talking about depressing things. The time was refreshing, renewing & renovating. But just when I thought the night couldn't get any better....

I met Jesus.

The entire gang had dinner at Ralph & Kacoos, a restaurant with fine dining & even better service. Our server, Ryan brought us cajun gator and excellent hush-puppies, fresh from the oven. Thoughout the meal, Ryan shared parts of his story; of moving to Maryland, and still dealing with his mother being in Texas, all while trying to get into nursing school. As we were talking on the way out...

I met Jesus.

Martin Luther once said that we are to be "little Christs" to one another, that when we serve others, we are kneeling for the "least of these" and serving Jesus. But all too often we overlook the other half of that imagery, for we're not only to serve others as if they themselves were our Lord, but also that we see Jessu in other people.

Last night, I met Jesus through Ryan.

As Ryan concluded his story, 5 of us sem' reps and Ryan joined together, standing on holy ground right in the middle of the restaurant and held hands and only by the power of the Holy Spirit, we thanked God and prayed for Ryan (I KNOW it was the Holy Spirit because 1. Lutherans do not pray outloud in public and 2. Lutherans really don't pray in the middle of a restaurant).

As we left the restaurant, I was on a "spiritual high." As we sat down for some great jazz at Preservation Hall, the first tune of "That Old Rugged Cross" reminded me just remzrkable our Savior is, holy yet humble.

Yes, that cross is rugged, splintered and bloodied, but the cross is also empty.
God defeated death as a promise that from anything, there can spring new life.

I know Jesus washed feet, but toinight I saw Jesus serve hush-puppies.

Fellowship For Jesus,

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